The article actualizes the problem of collective management of apartment buildings in Russia through the prism of institutional distrust on the example of the socio-economic institution of the general meeting of apartment building owners. The institution in question, artificially introduced by the state in the process of housing privatization, develops as dysfunctional due to a number of circumstances, one of which is the distrust of the owners themselves. The article focuses specifically on institutional distrust, in contrast to other works, which mainly examine the mistrust of neighbors to each other, to governing organizations, authorities, etc. It is concluded that it is necessary to further study the institutional distrust in order to develop relevant measures to improve the functionality of the institution of the general meeting of apartment building owners.



  • housing sociology,
  • housing policy,
  • apartment building,
  • homeowners,
  • general meeting,
  • collective management,
  • institutional distrust.


Cite As (APA): Litvintsev D.B. (2022). Collective Management of Apartment Buildings Under Conditions of Institutional Distrust of Owners. Management, economics and law: problems, research, results: collection of articles of the II International scientific and practical conference. Samara National Research University named after academician S.P. Korolev, Samara University of Public Administration International Market Institute [et al.]; ed. Gerasimova K.B. Penza: Penza State Agrarian University. P. 204-207. (In Russ.).


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